CPD Tracker

This section of the site is provided to help record your online reading and other CPD activities at Vet Times, and elsewhere. Hours logged here can be counted toward your mandatory CPD requirements – as set out by the RCVS – and gathered together in a single, convenient certificate.

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featured cpd material

What’s in a name? More importantly, what message does a person’s job title convey, and can they mean different things to different people? RVN Jane Davidson muses on this titular topic.

10 mins

Dale Gillies considers the possible use of Hirudotherapy – the use of leeches in a medically controlled environment – within a veterinary practice setting.

17 mins

Hubert Hiemstra, in the first of a three-part series, urges readers to challenge themselves as, though avoiding such situations will protect you from failure in the short term, it'll hinder your ability to succeed.

14 mins

Gerardo Poli concludes this series by explaining the coagulation cascade and its role in helping to diagnose specific clotting factor deficiencies.

6 mins

In part three of this series, Gerardo Poli covers which diagnostic tests you should perform to confirm your suspicions when trying to determine if you patient has a coagulopathy.

8 mins

In the second of his four-part series on coagulopathy, Gerardo Poli covers the physical exam and primary versus secondary coagulopathies.

4 mins

In the first of a four-part series, Gerardo Poli describes how to form a likely diagnosis when presented with a bleeding patient – starting with history and signalment.

6 mins

Eleanor Goad explains how a focus on healthy eating and proper nutrition will have a positive affect, not only on your own health and well-being, but, ultimately, that of the patients in your care.

9 mins

RVN Dale Gillies explains why the anaesthesia of avian species shouldn’t be as daunting as people believe it is, and describes her approach to the procedure – from pre-surgery planning to recovery.

19 mins

Having outlined the basic pathophysiology of head trauma in part one of this series, Gerardo Poli discusses ways of lowering cerebral blood volume to tackle this issue.

10 mins

In the first of a new series on head trauma, Gerardo Poli starts off with some basic pathophysiology.

9 mins

Jane Davidson tells the tale of Moxie, an aged cat who was saved, and who saved others – including a “6kg muffin of unneutered tom boy” called Billy.

16 mins