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In practice over the festive season? Got your own versions of carols and Christmas classics? Jane Davidson has…
Jane Davidson takes a look at the lighter side of her veterinary history PhD, with a quick review of some of the unusal names she discovered during her studies.
The ultrasound is an incredibly useful diagnostic tool. In this video tip, Gerardo Poli offers some advice to help you perfect the basics of ultrasound-guided aspiration.
As the latest member of the VN Times family, student veterinary nurse Chris Riddington introduces himself and describes his journey from OCD teenager to contented, enthusiastic SVN.
Eleanor Goad explains how pounding the pavements has successfully enabled her to “switch off”, while simultaneously helping her to make friends in a new town and re-evaluate her self-imposed limits, both personal and professional.
Having outlined the need for competence and competence in building trust with clients, Hubert Hiemstra discusses the final part of the three Cs – communication.
Hubert Hiemstra’s series on problem-free consults continues by exploring ways of using this trust-building tool in practice.
With Guy Fawkes Night and firework displays fast approaching, Jane Davidson thinks about other ways to help with the stress caused to pets, owners and vets.
Hubert Hiemstra returns to his series on the problem-free consult by introducing the second essential step under the CTR-C method.